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My love is sculptural figurative art, as it is the ultimate celebration of the power, potential and beauty of human form and spirit. There is a geometric unity and rhythm in the design of the human figure that can only be expressed through sculpture. I see human anatomy as an engineering miracle and the perfect machine that houses the soul. My work is an ongoing exploration of blending the modern with the traditional using geometric and architectural elements into figurative art. I strive to express the life force, tension and energy that spirals through us and to translate this power, energy and spirit into my work in whatever form that it takes. 


Christian Thomas Ashdale was born on April 9, 1999 in New York City. His parents, Rita A. Ashdale, and Stephen L. Nosal. Christian was “discovered” in a doctor’s office by actor Curt May when he was about to turn three years old. Curt Introduced Christian to his agents at CED, which is now CESD. Christian’s first job was as a GAP baby, modeling for GAP print work. When Christian was 4 years old, he got his first acting job in the ongoing role of “Baby Jack” on the ABC television soap opera. One Life to Live. Christian also appeared in the shows All My Children and on Nick at Nite while continuing to do modeling, print work and commercials. He studied tap and ballet starting at the age of two. He attended prestigious NYC dancing schools including Ballet Academy East, The School of American Ballet (on scholarship) and the American Tap Foundation. Christian grew up constantly visiting museums in NYC, especially the Metropolitan Museum of Art. At the same time, he started drawing, sculpting, and studying anatomy and has always been obsessed with the human figure.

In October 2007 Christian landed the costarring role of Buckley Salmon in the movie The Lovely Bones directed by Peter Jackson. While on Lovely Bones, Christian worked with Oscar winners Peter Jackson, Susan Sarandon and Rachel Weisz as well as nominees Saoirse Ronan, Stanley Tucci and Mark Wahlberg. After that, Christian costarred in The Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular in the role of Ben for two years. Christian Performed alongside the famous Radio City Rockettes and Santa himself!

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Christian was eight years old when he was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia. These learning disabilities had a significant adverse impact on his school life. Due to the relentless failures and ineptitude of his NYC public school, Christian’s mother, Rita, learned the appropriate instructional methods for writing, reading, study skills and executive function. After spending the first year of middle school at Professional Children’s School (PCS), it became clear that that in order to avoid further strife and nervous breakdowns, intensive full time language-based instruction was necessary. So, for 7th and 8th grades Christian and Rita moved to Essex, Massachusetts in order for him to attend The Landmark School which specializes in language based learning disabilities. Living in a 200 year-old  barn in the quaint Massachusetts town of Essex after growing up in a Manhattan high rise was a huge culture shock. Although he made lifelong friends and developed the skill base he needed to succeed in school, unfortunately Christian was bullied by his peers and had a miserable time at Landmark. He was very relieved to get back to NYC and PCS for high school. 

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While attending the Professional Children’s School for high school, he took classes at The Art Students League and the National Academy School of Fine Arts in NYC. In 2015, Christian took a class at the National Academy where he started studying with sculptor Sabin Howard. In early 2016, Sabin won the World War One National Monument commission, and shortly after Christian started working with Sabin as an apprentice and model. Christian Graduated from the Professional Children’s School in 2017. He attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) in Philadelphia, PA while working full time as a sculptor on the WWI Monument. Christian Graduated PAFA in May of 2022 with a BFA.

© 2023 by Christian Ashdale

Website by Stanilads

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